Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kickstarter FAIL

I wish I could blame the failure of my project entirely on the limitation against PayPal. But there were many other factors, such as my misunderstandings about Kickstarter.

This past week I have come to realize that should really be called it is really much better suited for projects that already have 95% of their funding and just need a little help getting that crucial final 5%. Wanting to start from scratch through Kickstarter is doomed to fail unless one has some way to cut through the noise.

So how do you cut through the noise? In the case of a classical project you would think that classical radio stations would want to help. You couldn't be wronger. The pathetic, contemptible, worthless morons at WRCJ-FM, having learned absolutely nothing from the demise of WQRS, have a stupid attitude towards what they call "free advertising." The manager of WRCJ would much rather punch himself in the face than allow a word to breathed on the air about my classical projects. Never mind that the replenishment of classical audiences is in desperate need of advertising, of reaching out to a younger demographic.

World-renowned composer Sean Hickey suggested to me that I talk to Sequenza21 and FIFA. It's possible that at Sequenza21 they think my idea to bring the world premiere of the Matthews Vuvuzela Concerto is absolutely idiotic. They're entitled to that opinion, but they didn't have the guts to actually say it. Instead, the very next day after my e-mail, they publish an article about how most people who use Kickstarter for their classical projects go about it all wrong, and wind up alienating their supporters. As for FIFA, I have no idea if they got my e-mail at all. To them I'm probably just one more deranged fan whose rantings they probably don't need to address.

You know what's the really sad thing about all this? There are at least a million people out there willing to contribute one dollar each to this project. If even a tenth of that million did not mind the limitation against PayPal, they would contribute to my Kickstarter project. But how are they going to know about my Kickstarter project if I can't cut through the noise and let them know that this is possible?

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